CAM Walker / Moon Boot - Spare Liner
CAM Walker / Moon Boot - Spare Liner
Moon Boots, or CAM Walkers, provide immobilisation of the foot/ankle complex following injury or surgery to this area.
The Standard CAM Walker Spare Liner is a non-inflatable liner that can be used inside a Tall or Ankle height, Standard CAM Walker. Having a spare liner allows for increased hygiene and comfort whilst using a CAM Walker / Moon Boot.
*This item is the Standard Liner Only*
**Not suitable for Air or Premium CAM Walkers**
For expert advice and fitting contact Performance Bracing Australia today.
To read more about this simple, yet incredibly effective device, check out our CAM Walker blog post here!
Fitting Available
Unsure if this item is right for you? Looking for guidance on how to use this product? Get in touch to organise a fitting appointment in the clinic or at home!